Be careful if you see these little pink eggs on a wall, you should quickly know what it is, it is the sign that your house is…

The appearance of small, bright pink eggs on your walls indicates the presence of the invasive apple snail, a freshwater species native to South America that has spread worldwide. These large snails thrive in warm, wet environments and lay clusters of pink or orange eggs, often in the hundreds, highlighting their rapid reproduction.

Apple snails pose a serious threat to aquatic ecosystems by consuming large amounts of vegetation, disrupting food chains, and degrading water quality. They also cause significant damage to agricultural crops, particularly rice fields in Southeast Asia. Due to their adaptability and fast breeding, they rank among the world’s most invasive species.

If you notice these eggs, immediate action is essential. Reporting sightings to authorities, manually removing egg clusters, and spreading awareness can help control their spread. While researchers explore biological controls, early detection and intervention remain critical in protecting local ecosystems from further harm.

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